

How do people greet someone they've just met?
I said my name and hello, after shake hands .

How do you greet members of your family?
We talked a lot of things. We said "itadaki masu ""tadaima"etc...

Do you hug members of your family?
When I was a child , We did. These days we do not!

Are the customs the same all over your country?
I think so too.

How do you greet people who are important insociety?
I will greet very polite and friendly.

Do people greet people of the opposite sex in a different way?
I think same way in Japan, but another countries are different.


class 9 Reflections

a,When do children usually leave home?
A lot of children independent for University or job.
However we can't independ until 20.

b,How many people live in your home?
I have 2 brothers and parents,so my house live in 5 people.
However my older brother will marry, so we will 4 family members in our house.

c,Do you have a head of family?
No, I don't.
We don't need head of family.

d,Who does the homework?
My mother mainly does the homework.
However all of family members help her.

e,Who run the family?
My father does.
He worked hard.

f,How many rooms do you have to sleep?
I have a 1 room to sleep.
We have to sleep room per each members.


Class2 Buddism, and class 4 World Religions

(class 2)
How is your daily life affected by Buddhism? What do you do and why do you do it?
I praying in front of butudan every day, because I want to meet my ancent.

How do you greet people in your life?
I said hello see you etc...

Is is different for different people?
Yes, it is.

How so and why?
Depends on ages. We have to say polite word for older person.

Do you touch people when you talk to them?
No, I do'nt.

Class 7 Names and adress

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?
A; Yes, I am.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.
A; happy, angry, sad , dipression, easy, impression, exiciting, hope,freeing and hate.

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English
A; 哀愁